Lake Alta Swim

Lake Alta Swim

Celebrate the end of summer with a swim in Lake Alta on the Remarkables mountain range. It’s a lot of fun to swim in a lake before it freezes over, then ski over it a few weeks later! 

About Lake Alta

Lake Alta is a picturesque glacial lake on The Remarkables. In winter, it freezes over and is part of the ski field. It is about 500m by 250m across and the water temperature in May can be around 7°C, with the outside air temperature often a bit lower. There’s usually snow and ice surround the lake at this time of year. Brrr!

Lake Alta Swim Details

Saturday 4th May 2024

Meet at 9am at the bottom car park (by SH6). We’ll car pool up the ski field road. 

It’s a steep 2.4km return walk from the car park up to the Lake, and it will be cold. Bring your own snacks, hot drinks and a warm coat and hat as well as your regular swim stuff. We’ll have a dip/short swim in the lake, then have our snacks before heading back down again! Should be all done for 12 noon.

See you there!

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